Alpha 3D's Remarkable Journey: From Elevator Startups 2019 Batch to Industry Leader

Jan 5, 2024

Alpha3D's story is about hard work, new ideas, and big accomplishments. They started in 2019 as part of the Elevator Startups program and have since become a leader in 3D and AR technology. Let's take a look at how far they've come.

Breakthrough in Elevator Startups 2019:
In 2019, Jaak Ennuste from Elevator Startups met the founders of Alpha3D at a Prototron networking event. They had a bold plan to change online retail using augmented reality, making it easier to create realistic 3D models with advanced scanner technology and AI. This idea was to scan any object quickly, which was unique at the time. Despite entering Elevator Startups with just two clients and no MVP or mobile app, they left with paying customers, proving their concept worked. This period was crucial, helping them turn their ambitious idea into a real product with the support of resources, mentorship, and a network from the Elevator Startups program.

2023 - A Year of Growth:

Fast forward to 2023, and Alpha3D had made leaps and bounds in growth and innovation. They ended the year with almost 200,000 users, surpassing their initial expectations. The company's Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) saw a substantial 95% year-over-year growth, jumping from 320,000€ in 2022 to 625,000€ in 2023. This put Alpha3D on the map as a rapidly growing player in the tech industry.

Tech Advancements and Strategic Partnerships:

Alpha3D's success can be partly attributed to its significant technological advancements. They collected a wealth of training data, improving the quality and detail of their 3D models. In 2023, they partnered with big industry names like Nvidia, Echo3D, and The Sandbox, solidifying their position as an industry innovator.

Global Recognition and Future Plans:
The company's achievements have attracted global attention. TechCrunch's coverage and the recognition as one of the top Estonian startups. Looking ahead, Alpha 3D is set to participate in Leap 2024 in Riyadh, further showcasing its innovations on a global stage.

With plans to add new features and expand their network, Alpha3D is not just aiming for growth but is also focused on improving its technology. They are gearing up for a Series A funding round, showing they are ready for the next phase of growth.

Alpha3D's journey from Elevator Startups 2019 to a leader in 3D technology is impressive. They've shown that with a clear vision, continuous innovation, and the ability to adapt, success is not just possible but inevitable. As Alpha3D continues to grow, their story serves as inspiration for startups everywhere.